Madisyn Porcena

Major: Psychology Minor : Art

Final Critique Projects

For these three artworks I did based on my childhood and issues I faced with growing and still to this day do. These artworks have a lot value and meaning for every each one, which is why I believe the products that I use for these masterpieces came to life the way I wanted it to be. I had a lot of difficulties but in the end they came out amazing as ever.

The first artwork is called the ”Spoiled Brat”, the reason it is called this because of as you can see that women’s mouth is yelling while there’s a woman ‘s hand giving money and finally a big box of luxury designer brands such as Fendi, Dior, Gucci, etc. This symbolizes of me as a child growing up with spoiled parents and grandmothers that gave me everything I wanted and needed, even if it wasn’t something that I need. But in the end when it was time to receive them back with something in return it would lead to being called ” Selfish! Ungrateful! Spoiled Brat!” which is how you see the women’s moth yelling. This is one is my favorite because the amount of detail I put into this artwork, I used a lot of ink paint and dark charcoal for the background at first I was scared using the dark charcoal because it can get messy but it turned out great in the end. I do wish there were more different type of colors such as the red and brown into lighter colors cause it was hard to get the color I wanted for my work, but I wouldn’t change anything about it through.

This second artwork is called “Nana’s Garden”, this work is about my late grandmother who I also called ”Nana” and during most of my time with her was mainly helping her in her garden or listening to the thunder while we’re taking a nap. This is my most important artwork cause I express a lot of color and gratitude towards this work especially with the different shades of green and red in this. The one thing I wish I could have done with the shade of blue for her jeans, I kinda messed up as you can see the dots on the jeans but it turned out pretty okay. One thing that was very last minute was the background cause I couldn’t think anything expect for wanted to use charcoal on this work, so I used the charcoals and form of rain clouds and use the white ink paint for little details on the lighting strikes. This one was fun to do with expressing the ink painting and I have no regrets for it.

Finally the third artwork is called ” The Premature Baby”, this work is me as a 5-week old baby when I was born and my father’s hand. My father said when i was a baby I was the size of a bird when I was first born. I didn’t have problem with the hand but I did have a problem with the baby hands and facial features and shaping it the way I wanted it to be shaped, and I wanted the baby size a little bit smaller than what it supposed to be on the artwork. I used a lot of charcoal and ebony pencil for this project as well as black ink paint but hardly. I love the background but because it envisions the pain of the baby as the supposed of a baby not remember anything when they’re first born. Overall, this is one I believe more composition and I’m glad I could being that out within myself to do that.

Texture (Mid Term Drawing)


Hello! My name is Madisyn Porcena, Im a first year student at Agnes Scott College. I’m majoring in psychology and minoring in art.

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